Cultural change towards sustainability
Coaching & consulting: more sustainable, more prudent, more inclusive
We accompany you and your organization on the path towards sustainability, together with your employees and management bodies. We firmly believe that raising awareness and training for sustainable behavior in the areas of mobility, nutrition, housing and infrastructure as well as consumption can bring about profound changes. Let's work together to develop strategies on how employees and managers can be actively integrated into the process towards sustainability and how sustainable decisions can be made in everyday working life. We create spaces for reflection and action in order to question and adapt behaviors. True to the motto: Alone you are faster - together you get further. We look forward to your inquiry and an initial meeting.
Umbuchung & Kündigung
Für Stornierungen und Umbuchungen bitten wir um Benachrichtigung bis spätestens 24 Stunden vorher.
Luzern, Schweiz